The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Amendment of 1989 were developed to promote awareness of the hazards of drug use and to use the forces of the federal government to penalize any employer who does not actively work to develop and maintain a drug-free campus and/or workplace.  太阳城集团 strongly endorses the federal government’s efforts to eliminate illegal drug activities on school campuses and in workplaces. 

健康风险.  Drug and alcohol abuse can cause physical and emotional dependence and can lead to violent behavior, 人身伤害, 发生交通事故的风险也更高, 心血管病, 中风, 癌症, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病, 肝炎, 肺部疾病, 肝脏疾病, 脑细胞破坏, 还有很多其他疾病.  Even low to moderate doses of drugs and/or alcohol increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, 包括虐待配偶和儿童.  也, the safety of employees abusing drugs and alcohol, 还有他们的同事, 会受到很大的危害吗.  Thousands of alcohol and drug related workplace accidents have resulted in death or permanent disability to innocent co-workers and the general public.

法律的制裁.   Illegal drug related activities can be prosecuted either on a federal or state level and can result in conviction with a sentence of probation or incarceration, 到, 包括终身监禁.  任何销售的人, 购买, 生产, 提供, 或占有并意图出售, 购买, 制造, 或者把受控物质送进, on, or near an educational facility in 佛罗里达 may be convicted of a first degree felony.  The penalties for driving while under the influence are indicated in 佛罗里达 Statute (F.S.) 316.193,和F.S. 316.1936(2)(a) prohibits 占有 of any open container of an alcoholic beverage in a vehicle.

工作中的失败.  Job performance and productivity can be drastically impacted by drug and alcohol abuse.  Abuse can significantly increase workplace accidents, absenteeism and errors.  Drug and alcohol abusers also tend to be disruptive in the workplace and find it difficult to get along with co-workers.

纪律制裁.  大学 policy states that the use of alcohol, unless approved by the 大学’s president, or illegal drugs on campus or at any of its activities is strictly prohibited. Any individual violating this policy is subject to disciplinary action, 直至并包括立即解雇 with referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency as warranted.  Employees are not permitted to engage in work activities for the 大学 while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs as defined by law.  Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, 直至并包括立即解雇.  除了, any employee convicted of the unlawful 制造, 分布, 调剂, 占有, 或使用管制药物, 校内或校外, shall notify the director of human resources within 5 days after such conviction and shall be subject to disciplinary action, 到 and including termination of employment.

提供帮助.  If you currently have or develop a substance abuse problem and would like assistance, you may speak to your supervisor and/or contact our human resource department for information.  除了, the college has provided an employee assistance program (EAP) administered through LifeWorks.  A link to their website is provided on 太阳城集团 located under the employee section.  Services are confidential and provided at no charge to the employee.  服务包括评估, short-term counseling and referral services for employees and their household members. Their phone number is 800-433-7916 and counselors are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

Assistance is also available from providers who are not affiliated with the EAP.  The cost of treatment can vary but is usually partially covered by health insurance.  Some providers may offer a sliding fee scale based on income and ability to pay.    Tri-County Human Services is a local provider with the following locations:  Highlands County Outpatient Clinic, 西太阳城集团100号, 构建E, 雅芳公园, 佛罗里达, 澳门太阳城集团-452-0106 and Wauchula Outpatient Clinic, 202 South 9th 佛罗里达州沃丘拉大街,澳门太阳城集团-773-2226.  They provide an array of services based on the needs of the patient.  For additional information visit their website  Additional providers are listed in the CenturyLink phone book under “Drug Abuse & 上瘾-资讯 & 待遇”.